Blah, with a side of “What the Fuck?”

People keep coming to this dead/obsolete page. I guess I owe everyone something. Life is tremendously stupid. Everyone only gives a shit about themselves. Life sucks. For all of us. Sure, I’m pretty bad off myself. But, what about everyone else? The past few years have been difficult. For every one. How can I sit […]

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Thoughts from the Barstool

I’m trying to get my inspiration back. I love to write, I love to draw, I love video games and I love reading. But, in the last year, I’ve lost all motivation to do any of those things. Hence this being the first post in a very very long time. I wish I could say […]

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Why I’m Bernie or Bust

There is such a negative air around the Bernie or Bust movement. It’s often labeled horrific things like, misogynistic, racist, hateful, and many other things. But, it’s not true, well not entirely so anyways. Sure, some people that follow any campaign can be amazingly horrible. But, to understand any movement, you have to look further […]

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